Health policy of IHU

Гімнастика, фізичні вправи, ходьба
повинні міцно увійти в повсякденний побут кожного, хто хоче зберегти
працездатність, здоров'я, повноцінне і радісне життя.
Гіппократ - лікар, реформатор античної медицини.

Фізичні вправи можуть замінити безліч ліків,
але жодні ліки в світі не може замінити фізичні вправи.
Анджело Моссо - фармаколог і фізіолог.
The Motto of IHU Health Policy:
«Devote some time to sport and get a healthy body!»

Health is the greatest social value. It's the basic condition for a person to fulfill his biological and social functions. It's the foundation of the self-realization of the individual. According to the definition of the World Health Organization 'health is the absence of disease combined with a state of physical, mental, and social well-being'.
The aim of Health Policy is a harmonic development and strengthening of physical and spiritual student's health, formation of physical culture of personality and preparation for the future professional activity.
In order to achieve this goal the Health Policy have to solve the recreational and educational problems:
-prevention of diseases, improve health, and ensuring a high level of physical condition and efficiency during the whole period of study;
- nurturing the need for health promotion, physical improvement by various means of physical education, healthy lifestyle culture;
- formation of students the basics of theoretical knowledge, mastering the system of practical and methodical skills of physical culture and physical rehabilitation, independent physical exercises for a full, harmonious, and safe life.
The leadership of the University, headed by the President of the International Humanitarian University, People's Deputy of Ukraine S.V. Kivalov embodies the health policy of IHU in the direction of constant attention to the issues of development of physical education and mass sports, creation of a modern sports and health base, as important factors of professional training of specialists and education of healthy way of life of students.
The implementation of the goals and objectives of the health policy of IHU is carried out in accordance with the long-term program of construction of sports and recreational facilities, fitted with modern equipment and supplies, the creating of necessary conditions for a wide choice of physical education methods for students, which meet their needs, interests, health and physical condition for educational and wellness tasks.
Within the framework of the unified educational and scientific-educational complex of NU "OLA" - IHU, students and teachers of the University have all the necessary conditions for improvement and exercise of physical culture and sports, taking into account their interests and opportunities.
OLA Sports and Recreation Complex, which includes a stadium, sports grounds, gyms: gym, game, fitness, table tennis, and shooting range are provided to IHU students for training, recreation, and other sports activities and also for recovery after hard training. The activity of the Department of Physical Education of IHU is carried out in cooperation and cooperation with the Department of Physical Education of NU "OLA".
The concrete result of the consistent health policy of IHU is the sports and health complex "Universitet", which is not inferior to the level of the best sports facilities of European universities, and the seaside promenade with a landscape park area on the coastal slopes of the 8th station of the Big Fountain. It was created by the collective work of teachers and students of NU "OLA" and IHU.
In the structure buildings of the complex "Universitet", there are: football field, basketball and volleyball courts, tennis court, gym, stands for spectators. Next to them is a universal sports arena with synthetic coverage for year-round training and training sessions in basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, and other sports. The location of the sports complex in the seaside zone, dominated by a unique health microclimate, creates exceptionally favorable conditions not only for training sessions and sports competitions but also for active relaxation and recovery of students, teachers, and residents of our city.
The health orientation of physical education is realized at IHU in the following directions:
- general physical training by methods of generally developing physical exercises and basic sports;
- physical rehabilitation - specialized direction of physical education of students of the special medical group who have deviations in the state of health;
- sports education and mass sports.
Sports education and mass sports, as an effective direction of physical education of students, implements the tasks of physical and sports improvement by means of certain sports, training, and participation in competitions. Student sports teams are created in the system of sports education of the IHU and the following sports are cultivated:
basketball, volleyball, football and mini-football, judo, karate, ball shooting, tennis and table tennis, powerlifting, swimming, and chess. Students of IHU as a part of sports teams participate annually in competitions of IHU Spartakiad, NU "OLA" Spartakiad, and regional student games among higher educational establishments.
Students are enrolled in sports sections and teams according to their choice, interests and requests, health, and fitness. Classes in sports groups and sections, participation in competitions help to promote health, physical perfection, education of professionally important psychophysical qualities: attention, operative thinking, courage and determination, self-confidence, endurance in extreme situations.
Mass competitions in football, volleyball, table tennis, and powerlifting are held at IHU and the College of Law. Traditional football tournaments for the IHU Cup among teams of institutes and faculties and the College of Economics and Law. Foreign students studying at the university are involved in mass competitions.
Physical education classes of students of a special medical group with disabilities in the state of health are conducted in the direction of physical rehabilitation.
For them, individual programs of education and self-employment are combined in combination with the study of the methodological bases of adaptive and therapeutic physical culture, methods of medical-pedagogical control, and self-control of the state of health.
In order to successfully acquire students' knowledge, abilities, and skills of physical culture and physical rehabilitation, training, and methodological support of all forms of physical education is improved. The introductory lectures, practical classes, and consultations set out the basics of the theory and methodology of physical education, therapeutic physical education, and sports improvement of students.
The teachers of the department carry out the guidance of educational, extracurricular, and independent work of students of the main, special medical departments and exempted from practical training in physical education for health reasons. Lecture courses with multimedia support for the courses "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" and "Fundamentals of Rhythm and Choreography" for the specialty "Primary Education" have been developed.
One of the directions of scientific and methodological work of the Department of Physical Education is the theme "Adaptive, improving and therapeutic physical culture". The educational and methodological provision uses the means of modern information educational technologies. An electronic library of physical education and health education was created at the Department of Physical Education, which contains electronic texts of educational and methodical and scientific literature editions, multimedia facilities in the following areas:
"Adaptive and therapeutic physical training", "Aerobics and fitness", "Sports medicine", "Sports pharmacology", "Theory and methods of physical education", "Methods of health and sports training", "Cosmetic, general and sports massage". Information support for health policy is provided on the Internet site of IHU and the page of the Department of Physical Education by constantly updating information materials on physical health and sports and events held at the university.