Students' practice

The Employer Relations Center provides an opportunity to do an internship in the best institutions in the city
Through collaboration with our partner companies, students can do internships and get jobs in departments, associations, banks and large companies. We also conduct business tours of these companies so that you can learn more about internal processes and implement the acquired skills in your future career.
Find out how our students practice
Internship at the Institute of Law, Economics and International Relations
Solving the problem of training highly qualified specialists in "International Economic Relations", "Management", "Hotel and Restaurant Business", "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities", "Economics" requires consolidation of theoretical knowledge with practical skills at a particular enterprise. Therefore, for the organization and practice of students in IPEMO created conditions that provide not only consolidation of theoretical knowledge obtained by students in special disciplines, but also the acquisition of practical skills and ability to work in the specialty based on in-depth study of economic processes at the enterprise, concluding various agreements and contracts, use of computer technology.
The objects of economic practice of IPEMO students are enterprises, institutions, organizations of various forms of ownership and spheres of activity.
Currently, IPEMO students are undergoing internships:
- Kharchenko Roman, Josan Victoria, Rumyantseva Taisiya, Shkolna Iryna, Chuikova Oleksandra (Department of Culture and Tourism of Odessa City Council);
- Shornikov Konstantin, Tkachenko Kateryna (JSC CB "PRIVATBANK");
- Godulyan Vlada (Hotel complex "Odessa");
- Oleynichenko Anna, Orlova Alina (Hotel "Mozart");
- Zavalnyuk Viola, Kovaleva Anna (PJSC "Odessa plant of piston rings");
- Julia Zakordonets (GEO Logistics LLC);
- Vladislav Ploshchenko (PJSC Joint-Stock Bank "SOUTH");
- Lutsk Arthur (Department of Internal Policy of Odessa City Council);
- Slavynska Khrystyna (Odamed LLC).
The practice of students of the Institute of Law, Economics and International Relations, specialties "Law", "International Law", "Law Enforcement" is an important part of the educational process. During the internship, our students not only consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in the study of general and special legal disciplines, but also acquire skills and abilities of law enforcement practice. During the internship the student becomes a participant in practical activities on the application of legal norms, observes and analyzes various aspects of the activities of lawyers-practitioners, learns to perform actions related to the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities.
So, now, IPEMO students are undergoing internships:
- Bren Ilya, Gershun Inna, Kissa Maya, Pen Inbey (Main Territorial Department of Justice in Odessa region);
- Vyatkina Anastasia (Cyberpolice Department of the Department for Combating Cybercrime in Odesa Oblast of the National Police of Ukraine);
- Komar Anastasia, Pakhomov Dmytro, Kozak Ivan (Makarov & Partners Law Firm);
- Kolyn Lyudmila (Odessa Oblast Bar Council);
- Kyrylenko Anastasia (Law Clinic of the National University "Odessa Law Academy");
- Ozarinskaya Anastasia (LLC Law Firm "BI & G");
- Lytvyntsova Violetta (Shiryaiv District Court).
Practical training of applicants for higher education specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities" (second level (masters)) of the Institute of Law, Economics and International Relations of the International Humanities University is an integral part of educational and professional training programs. It is aimed at the formation of general and professional competencies of higher education, consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired during training, acquisition, and improvement of practical skills and abilities in the relevant specialty.
The place of practice may be the basis of the institute, enterprise, institution, organization of various types of economic activity, forms of ownership in Ukraine, which carry out business, trade, and financial activities.

According to the educational program "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities" for applicants for higher education provides industrial and undergraduate practice.
The internship of students of the Institute of Law, Economics and International Relations takes place at more than twenty enterprises and institutions of Odessa, among which are: Dengroup LLC, Mozart Hotel Group LLC, OPAL-INVEST LLC, Invats LLC, PAIR LLC, branches of well-known banks: PJSC CB Pivdennyi, JSC CB Privatbank ", JSC" OTP Bank "and others.

During the internship, students perform real functional duties of specialists in the enterprise and have the opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of work in different economic departments of a real enterprise, working with the same data set, and see the impact of decisions made in one department on other departments.
During the internship, students are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with legal documents, as well as make economic calculations based on real statistics.
Internship at the Medical Institute
Odessa Medical Institute of the International Humanities University has a developed modern clinical and pharmacy base, where second-year students can undergo internships and hone their skills, which in the future will give graduates a significant competitive advantage in employment.

Two new university clinics, equipped with convenient and efficient equipment from well-known medical equipment manufacturers, provide dental students the opportunity not only to observe operations and assist professional physicians but also to perform many procedures and receive patients themselves.

At the Odrex Clinic, future doctors take part in regular conferences and training conducted by experienced specialists, get acquainted with the latest medical technologies and practice according to new modern standards.
The widespread pharmacy network, which is an effective practical base for most pharmacy students, plays a crucial role in the training and employment of highly qualified pharmacists.

As the achievements of graduates of previous years show, thanks to the introduction of a completely new level of practical training, Odessa Medical Institute provides quality and effective training for future professionals.
Internship at the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation
Our students have internships at the following enterprises:

Medmarin Medical Center
Department of Culture and Tourism of Odessa City Council
LLC "TRIS Translation Center"
Non-Governmental Organization "Association of Translators and Philologists"
Inter Service Plus International Limited Liability Company
Odessa City Council
OBF "Sailor's House"
Main Department of Foreign Economic Activity and European Integration of the Odessa Regional State Administration
Public organization "Alternative"
Slovo Translation Agency
Travel agency "Feod Group"
Odessa International School LLC
Ltd. Tourism Factory
British Council
Cheshire Cat Company LLC
Aspect-Ukraine LLC
Odessa Secondary School№38
Language practice abroad

In the study of foreign languages is important not only the theoretical knowledge that students gain during the learning process, but also their practical application, especially if students can improve their skills in real-language communication with native speakers. The Faculty of Linguistics and Translation provides all its students with the opportunity to study abroad, thus increasing their level of foreign language proficiency. Thus, students of the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation Apalyaeva Anastasia (IV year), Dilman Berenyka (III year), Groza Anastasia (III year), Kovaleva Julia (III year), Polesko Olga (III year), Taldykin Victoria (III year) and Ishkineeva Xenia (IV year) proved it by her own example.
This year Anastasia Apalyaeva attended the Intensive Summer German Language Courses at the University of Vienna. On the first day, all students took a test that determines the level of language. Anastasia easily coped with this task and was assigned to group B 1.1. The courses lasted from Monday to Friday. At the end of classes Anastasia passed the final exam and received a certificate. In their free time, students did not miss the opportunity to visit various sights of Vienna.
Third-year students Dilman Berenyk and Anastasia Groza visited China in the summer. They studied Chinese in courses at Zhejiang International Studies University in Hangzhou. Students and teachers have warm and friendly relations, which have served to achieve high results. In their free time, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with Chinese culture and traditional cuisine, visit interesting places and have fun.

At the end of the summer courses, our students received certificates confirming their studies at courses at Zhejiang University.
Students of English-speaking groups Ksenia Ishkineeva, Julia Kovaleva, Olga Polesko and Victoria Taldykin visited the United States this year under the student program Work & Travel. Students not only improved their English language skills, but also learned a lot about the country, its inhabitants and culture, as well as visited many interesting places and cities.
At the end of the summer courses, our students received certificates confirming their studies at courses at Zhejiang University.
Internship at the Faculty of Art and Design
Students majoring in "Audiovisual Arts and Production" at the International Humanities University underwent an internship in Alicante, Spain.

The first few days of practice were devoted to getting to know the city and landscape photography.
The students visited the Miguel Hernandez University in Elche, Spain. We got acquainted with the infrastructure of the university and departments. Particular attention was paid to the training of specialists in the specialty "Audiovisual Culture and Journalism". They had the opportunity to practice in editing classrooms, in a TV studio and in a university radio center. There was a meeting with the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Audiovisual Culture and Journalism, a teacher of cinematography - Francisco Martinez, a professor, a teacher of directing - Vincent Javier and a professor, a teacher of journalism Montserrat Martin. The correct use of light and color was practiced by students in the medieval castle of Santa Barbara.

As part of the internship, a meeting was also held with the director of the CINE VOLNA International Film Festival, Anna Ilyasova. The children learned a lot about Spanish film festivals, the peculiarities of their organization and the opportunity for young filmmakers to participate in them.
The students were very impressed by the meeting with actress and director Natalia Bondarchuk. She spoke about working with famous filmmakers - Tarkovsky and Parajanov. And also about his father - Sergei Bondarchuk.
Our students also watched the work "in the field" of a TV journalist of one of the TV companies in the conditions of live broadcast.
As a result of the internship, students of the Department of Film and Television received not only international certificates, but also a sea of unforgettable impressions and important skills.
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