Student goverment

Trade union committee of students
  • Kara Anna
    The head of the primary professional organization of students
  • Nicolas Uchava
    Chairman of the student government
  • Popova Nicole
    Chairwoman of ILEIR
  • Volkova Julia
    Deputy chairwoman of ILEIR
  • Shulim Sergey
    Chairman of OMI
  • Krutij Gleb
    Deputy chairman of OMI
  • Dodonova Lily
    Head of the FAD
  • Mikheeva Karina
    Deputy chairwoman of the FAD
  • Smirnova Anna
    Head of the FLT
  • Kerbut Tatiana
    Deputy chairwoman of the FLT
Student self-government is a form of self-organization of students, independent social activity, a mechanism of representation and defense of their rights and, most importantly, the possibility of self-realization of the student as an open, purposeful and educated person.

The main tasks of student government:
Defend and protect the interests and rights of students;
to present and express the position of students;
assist students in solving problems related to study, university or dormitory;
to inform students about future activities;
to promote the creation of appropriate conditions for study, living and recreation of students;
to organize scientific activity and extracurricular life of students: leisure, sports events, rest, etc.
Student government has the following powers:
to resolve issues within the competence of the Student Self-Government;
to make for discussion and (or) voting decisions made by student councils of faculties (institutes);
use the educational, scientific, industrial, cultural, sports, household and health facilities of the university;
to be represented in the governing bodies of the International Humanities University;
independently and independently decide on issues related to their activities.
Student government also has the following responsibilities:
direct their activities towards the interests of students;
to protect the rights and interests of all university students without exception;
strictly adhere to the legislation of Ukraine and the Regulations on Student Self-Government of the International Humanities University;
to inform university students about future events;
report to students about their activities.
Typical areas of SS activity:
Housing and household direction
Student media
Research activities
Learning process
Students' rights
Assistance in organizing interest groups and clubs