Council of young scientists

Leadership of the Council of Young Scientists
  • Kopytkov Vladislav
    Head of CYS University, graduate student of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines IPEMV
  • Dashkova Kateryna
    Deputy Head of CYS University, graduate student, lecturer at the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages FLP
  • Sokirba Elizaveta
    Secretary of CYS University, graduate student of the Department of Management IPEMV
Composition of the Board of RMV University (photo): Vladyslav Kopytkov, Chairman of CYS University, Kateryna Dashkova, Deputy Chairman of CYS University, Sokirba Elizaveta, Secretary of CYS, representatives of the Department of General Dentistry OMI Shumyvoda Yuriy, Marchuk Tetyana, representative of the Department of Management IPEMV, expert NAQAHEU Levchenko Serhiy, representative of the Department of Economics and International Economic Relations IPEMV Chebanenko Denys, representative of the Department of State Law and general humanities FMD Marakhovska Ksenia, representative of the Department of International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence IPEMV Cabrera Julia.
On December 24, 2020, the solemn inaugural conference of the Council of Young Scientists of the International Humanitarian University took place
The Conference adopted the Regulations on the CYS of the University, elected the Chairman, Deputy, Secretary, and the Board. The Board included representatives of almost all faculties, the most active graduate students, young scientists. The conference also discussed the main activities, priorities, and objectives of the Council in the near future.

Welcoming and parting words were made by the Vice-Rector for NPR, Doctor of Economics, Professor Anatoliy Honcharuk, and the Head of the Postgraduate Department Olga Ivanovna Statsenko-Baranova.
The Council of Young Scientists is sincerely grateful for the comprehensive support of the Rector, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Goromovenko Konstantin Viktorovich.

The Council of Young Scientists of the International Humanities University was created to unite active, creative graduate students, doctors of philosophy (PhD) and doctoral students in order to further develop science and raise it to a higher level.
On December 28, 2020, the Academic Council of the International Humanities University decided to establish the Council of Young Scientists and approved the Regulations on RMC. The initiative to establish the Council of Young Scientists of the International Humanities University was made by the newly elected chairman of the RMV Kopytkov VE, his initiative was supported by the Vice-Rector for NDP, Doctor of Economics, Professor Goncharuk AG